5 Web Design Trends for 2021

Zrexa Official
2 min readJun 3, 2021


For almost everyone, 2020 was a bummer. Many businesses were forced to take creative steps to survive. Consumers had to make improvements as well, and even the Web has had to make some changes.

Whether you’ll be creating sites for new clients or reworking sites to align with the latest trends, the following five design strategies should give you valuable insight.

  1. Use Soothing, Reassuring Color Palettes
  2. Strive to Creatively Blend Physical Experience with Digital Imagery
  3. Create More Efficient and Effective Shopping Experiences
  4. Place Greater Emphasis on User-controlled Video Content
  5. Spend More Time Displaying Trust Builders

Use Soothing, Reassuring Color Palettes

Recent design trends have favoured solid and bold colours. Different gradient schemes have also been both popular and effective. Why? Because these characteristic trends had a definite drift to capture a visitor’s attention.

2020 gave us more than our fair share of worry, stress, and drama. We sincerely look forward to a return to a time in which we’ll once repeatedly feel more satisfied in our surroundings.

Strive to Creatively Blend Physical Experience with Digital Imagery

For the first time in their lives, many people obtained themselves stuck at home in 2020, with little to do but look at their screens — which involved remote work, and in other situations playing digital games.

Some web designers have picked up on this by mixing real-world images with illustrations or special effects.

Create More Efficient and Effective Shopping Experiences

2020 saw more people shopping online — often out of obligation. This created a situation that prompted website designers to provide visitors with more efficient pathways to resolution.

Since many of these visitors were newly introduced to online shopping, it was important that their experience would be as effortless as possible — that they could get into and out as quickly as they usually would in a store.

Place Greater Emphasis on User-controlled Video Content

Once upon a time, the video was ”the thing” on websites. While no longer new, video remains an effective method of giving helpful content, but its popularity has hit.

The reason? A lack of user control on too many websites. Videos are fine, but only when visitors feel a need to view them.

Spend More Time Displaying Trust Builders

Trust builders are necessary website components. Brick-and-mortar store shoppers may take some minutes to size up a business and decide if they want to patronize it. Online shoppers will do the same in far less time.

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Zrexa Official

Agency for outsourcing your work, Zrexa service include Website development, SEO and Marketing